“Kiss Sixth Sense” is a heart-fluttering romantic drama that revolves around about YeSul (Seo JiHye), who can see the future when she kisses someone, and MinHoo (Yoon KyeSang), a sensitive man whose five senses are overly developed. The masters of romantic comedies deliver delicate emotions with attention to detail. The director’s cinematography and the perfect chemistry between the cast members stand out in the drama. These aforementioned factors bring out the enticing romance within the plot. ‘Here We Are’ showcases beautiful piano melody. The song also features a grand harmony of string instruments towards the end, which leaves a strong impression on the listeners. The said soundtrack will appeal to viewers’ sentiments as they watch the development of the characters’ feelings and their narrative. You can watch to JaeYeon’s ‘Here We Are’ music video below.

JaeYeon is a member of a three-person vocalist group, SWAY. His strong singing skills and his heartfelt voice had drawn in the viewers notably when he sang the soundtracks for popular dramas such as “Be Melodramatic” and “My Liberation Notes”.  

The Webtoon-Based Drama “Kiss Sixth Sense” Ranks High Across Asia On Disney+ As Viewers Are Gripped By Its Storyline KDRAMA STORIES|Jun 20, 2022 K-Drama “Kiss Sixth Sense” Ranks Top 10 On Disney+ Across Asia And No 1 In South Korea KDRAMA STORIES|Jun 10, 2022

JaeYeon Of SWAY Releases A Soundtrack Of  Kiss Sixth Sense  - 22JaeYeon Of SWAY Releases A Soundtrack Of  Kiss Sixth Sense  - 1JaeYeon Of SWAY Releases A Soundtrack Of  Kiss Sixth Sense  - 3JaeYeon Of SWAY Releases A Soundtrack Of  Kiss Sixth Sense  - 74